Since the war in Ukraine begun, thousands of people have been killed, tenth of thousands have lost thier home, and millions had to flee war-torn areas, while millions more are forced to hide in their houses under brutal bombing.
In an effort to help, we are launching Peace for Ukraine, which is a photo-project by a NYC-based Ukrainian photographer Paul Terrie, in collaboration with beautiful Ukrainian women, calling for peace in Ukraine and the whole world.
You can buy a print of any of these photographs, the entire profit will be donated to non profits that help Ukrainians to survive.
"BAGGED" is an ongoing project. My aim is to highlight the importance of being "present", especially in relationship. Constant feeling of apartness between people today, because of the modern technologies, way of life and communications, cause me feel a presence of invisible bubble, around each of us, which makes hard us to feel affinity and being involved in our mates life.
War. 11 Portraits - Portraits PAUL made for Taras Polataiko’s project "War. 11 Portraits"
"Maydan" Portraits of Ukrainians who were fighting, helping, sponsoring during events in Ukraine, Winter-Spring 2014.